



Ensemble learning  deals with methods which employ multiple learners to solve a problem. The generalization ability of an ensemble is usually significantly better than that of a single learner, so ensemble methods are very attractive. The AdaBoost algorithm proposed by Yoav Freund and Robert Schapire is one of the most important ensemble methods, since it has solid theoretical foundation, very accurate prediction, great simplicity (Schapire said it needs only “just 10 lines of code”), and wide and successful applications. <read on>

K-nearest neighbor classification

One of the simplest, and rather trivial classifiers is the Rote classifier, which memorizes the entire training data and performs classification only if the attributes of the test object match one of the training examples exactly. An obvious drawback of this approach is that many test records will not be classified because they do not exactly match any of the training records. <read on>

Naive Bayes Algorithm

Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm for binary (two-class) and multi-class classification problems. The technique is easiest to understand when described using binary or categorical input values.

It is called naive Bayes or idiot Bayes because the calculation of the probabilities for each hypothesis are simplified to make their calculation tractable. <read on>